MPP Sol Mamakwa speaks out on suicide issues
Kiiwetinoong MPP Sol Mamakwa re-emphasized his call for action on First Nations youth suicide in Ontario after more suicides were committed during the holiday season across Nishnawbe Aski Nation.
“Back in December I brought up the issue of youth suicide in a couple of the communities, in Constance Lake and Webequie and also one of the First Nations in southern Ontario,” Mamakwa says during an interview. “I didn’t know that come the holidays there would be a number of more (suicides) that would be happening over the two-week period in our communities.”
There is this new duck on the lake here at my far north wilderness camp. I am sure that Shee-sheep, the Cree word for ‘duck’ is a mallard and so I decided...
I have been working in media as an Indigenous journalist, columnist and videographer for more than a quarter century at this point. This has been such an...