Roxy Shapwaykeesic

Bearskin Lake family sees another successful fundraiser

Create: 08/15/2017 - 02:21

The 10th Annual Darryl Fox “Penasi” Memorial Golf Classic seen 20 teams play at the Whitewater Golf Club August 3 in Thunder Bay. To date the tournament has raised $55,000. Proceeds from the event are donated to the Northern Cancer Fund in honour of Charles Fox’s late son Darryl who passed away 15 years ago of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma while in University. Recently a plaque was erected in the Chemotherapy Stretcher Area at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre after donating $25,000.

How many floors does one room need?

Create: 12/01/2015 - 19:39

My hands are having a hard time closing and holding onto things. The tissue inside them has been bashed, crashed and smashed. I’m not complaining though, I don’t mind it at all. When I see the work being done and each floor being revealed after the other, a great satisfaction comes over me. After 7.5 hrs my partner and I had finally reached the original hardwood floors in the dining room of my house. The 4 others floors above had finally been disposed of. So, we’re half way there to completing the renovations in the dining room/living room area.


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