Wawatay Online serves Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal alike. The site receives over 45,000 unique visitors every month world wide.
All ads displayed on the website include a “click through” to their own website. No contracts are required on any ad.
Clients can submit an already designed ad in appropriate file formats: html, jpeg, gif, swf., or Wawatay Web can design an ad for you at no extra cost.
Button Ads
• The button ads are 280 pixels x 280 pixels and run on the right column of the site.
• Button ads are grouped and rotate in random sequence, each group will not exceed 8 ads guaranteeing a high number of exposure within each block
Cost of advertising with a button ad is: $350.00/month.
Banner Ads
• The banner ads are 728 pixels x 90 pixels and will be above the center content of the site.
Location: above centre content, Display: Front page, in rotation.
Cost of advertising with a banner ad is: $800.00/month.
Research has shown that these receive a significant amount of clicks.
• Banner ads can also appear on any Feature story page.
Cost is $525/page.
Online Job Ads
Ads are posted online and remain until the closing date (up to one month for postings with no closing date). Online versions are plain text with the advertiser’s logo, if desired.
The price to advertise jobs online only is $140.00.
Here we are in a new year and hoping that 2025 will be a positive experience for all of us as individuals and for our civilization on planet earth. If I did...
Later start of winter
November is the final month of the fall season. The typical previews of winter during this month were fairly minimal this year...